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Wife of slain Centralia man admits she shot him, avoids trial

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

Janet L. Anderson sits at defense table across from the deputy prosecutor while her attorney waits near Judge Toynbee.

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – The woman who fatally shot her husband in their north Centralia home late last year will be facing a recommended prison sentence of more than 18 years after pleading guilty today.

Janet L. Anderson, 40, has been held in the Lewis County Jail since she drove to the Centralia Police Department the morning of Dec. 17, said she killed her husband and had left the weapon at the house.

Defense attorney Shane O’Rourke told the court his client has maintained she acted in self defense when her husband pointed a gun at her, but various aspects of the case lent themselves to her accepting a plea deal instead of going to trial.

Anderson pleaded guilty this afternoon in Lewis County Superior Court to second-degree murder and two counts of tampering with physical evidence – her husband’s gun and his body, according to her formal statement.

Prosecutors alleged in charging documents that she attempted to conceal evidence of the crime by washing clothing, bedding, herself and patching a bullet hole in a wall.

Ty W. Anderson’s body was located in the bedroom of the couple’s home off of West Oakview Avenue, wrapped inside of a tarp, with a bullet wound at the base of his skull and another in his lower back, according to authorities. She told police the two had fought for two hours before it happened. Police found two handguns in the room.

In the courtroom today were two rows of apparent family members seated behind Lewis County Senior Deputy Prosecutor Will Halstead. Centralia police detectives observed from the back row.

The standard sentencing range for second-degree murder, in her case because she has no criminal history, is 123 months to 220 months. The other offenses are gross misdemeanors, with up to 364 days in custody.

Judge Andrew Toynbee read aloud her written statement, which included that she intended to cause Ty Anderson’s death by shooting him, and that it occurred on Dec. 16 and Dec. 17.

A next door neighbor said at the time he and his wife heard a noise around 9 or 10 o’clock the night of the 16th that she thought sounded like a gunshot.

O’Rourke said he and Halstead have agreed to recommend Anderson be sentenced to the high end of the standard sentencing range, which comes out to 18 years and four months.

The parties agreed to return to court in two weeks to hold the sentencing hearing.

For background, read “Guilty plea expected in Centralia man’s homicide, from his widow” from Tuesday September 12, 2017, here

Guilty plea expected in Centralia man’s homicide, from his widow

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – Lawyers have struck a plea deal in the case of a Centralia woman who allegedly shot her husband once in his back and once at the base of his skull and wrapped his body in a tarp before turning herself in to police.

Janet L. Anderson, now 40, initially told police the two had been arguing in their home and her husband had grabbed his gun and pointed it at her.


Janet L. Anderson

She has been held at the Lewis County Jail since her mid-December arrest, held on $1 million bail.

Lewis County Senior Deputy Prosecutor Will Halstead said Anderson is expected to plead guilty tomorrow to second-degree murder and two counts of tampering with evidence.

He declined to say how much time he plans to recommend for her sentence or speak to any details of the plea agreement.

Anderson is represented by Centralia attorney Shane O’Rourke.

Ty W. Anderson’s body was located in the bedroom of the couple’s home off of West Oakview Avenue in the Hunter’s Walk neighborhood after his wife called 911 from her vehicle outside the Centralia police station about 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 17. Prosecutors have said as much as 12 hours passed between the alleged homicide and the reporting of it.

Janet Anderson has no criminal history.

The hearing in which she is expected to enter her pleas is scheduled for 1 p.m. tomorrow before Lewis County Superior Court Judge Andrew Toynbee. Her sentencing hearing will take place at another time, according to Halstead.

For background, read “Centralia murder case waiting for state crime lab results” from Friday March 31, 2017, here

Man who allegedly mugged Morton senior located at Silver Creek campground

Monday, September 11th, 2017

Law enforcement secured a warrant to enter motor home where they found suspect on Friday. / Courtesy photo

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – An individual who recognized the suspect in the robbery of a Morton senior citizen spotted the suspect at a Mossyrock gas station, called 911 and followed him to the Harmony Lakeside RV Park where he was later arrested, according to authorities.

Jason A. Brown, 35, was booked into the Lewis County Jail on Friday and charged today in Lewis County Superior Court with second-degree robbery.

Lewis County Senior Deputy Prosecutor Will Halstead asked that Brown be held on $75,000 bail. Judge James Lawler agreed.

Brown had outstanding warrants from Lewis, Kittitas and Spokane counties at the time of his arrest, according to Halstead.

Morton police have been looking for their suspect since the afternoon of Aug. 29 when they were called to the Morton Country Market on Second Street, where a customer in his early 80s was accosted in the parking lot by an individual who asked him if he had a few dollars, then reached into his pocket, forcefully took his wallet and ran, according to authorities.

Officers were able to view security images that showed the suspect walk out of the store, and look around as if he was looking for someone, before confronting the victim John Zapalac near his car, according to charging documents. The suspect could be seen “crowding” the victim, taking something from him and then getting into a silver Chevrolet Monte Carlo and driving away.

Morton Police Department Chief Roger Morningstar posted pictures of the suspect and his car on social media and then reached out to David Rose, host of the television show Washington’s Most Wanted.

Someone who saw Rose’s piece on the robbery saw the suspect about 2 o’clock on Friday afternoon at the Mossy Mini Shell station, according to the chief.

The tipster followed the car to Silver Creek and saw the suspect enter a Bounder-style motorhome, according to charging documents.

Morningstar said the state patrol got to the RV park first, then Morton police arrived. He said they could hear someone inside the motorhome, but they would not answer the door.

The park manager said she’d seen the suspect coming and going from the RV for several days, charging documents relate.

Morningstar said police knocked on the door, banged on the door and eventually after getting a search warrant, forced the door open.

Brown was in the rear of the RV and was arrested. A second person was arrested for obstruction, according to Halstead.

One of Brown’s warrants was from an Aug. 21 arrest in Chehalis when a neighbor on the 100 block of Southeast First Street called police about a man with a backpack that walked to the back of a residence. An officer arrived to find a man walking out the front door with a purse and a jewelry box and found the back door had been kicked in, according to charging documents in that case.

Halstead said when Brown was arrested, he gave his brother’s name as his own, and after he was released from jail, failed to show up for his arraignment. Lawler set bail this afternoon for that case at an additional $75,000.

Brown’s warrant from  Kittitas  County is for first-degree theft and his warrant from Spokane County is for three counts of residential burglary, according to prosecutors. Police say he is from Spokane.

The victim in the Morton grocery store parking lot robbery told police his wallet contained $82 cash and other items such as discount cards.

Brown’s arraignment is scheduled for Thursday.

For background, read “Senior citizen mugged outside Morton grocery” from Wednesday August 30, 2017, here


Jason A. Brown consults with defense attorney in Lewis County Superior Court this afternoon.

Higher court agrees with Judge Buzzard’s order that dog should be euthanized

Friday, September 8th, 2017

Hank’s family visits him at the Lewis County Animal Shelter

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – The attorney working to save the life of Hank the pit bull terrier announced today a judge agreed with a lower court which ruled Hank is a dangerous dog who should be put down.

“Today, Judge Edwards affirmed Judge Buzzard’s ruling,” Bellingham animal lawyer Adam Karp stated. “However, he did not enter an order at this time.”

The appeal of Lewis County District Court Judge R.W. Buzzard’s June decision was heard in Grays Harbor County Superior Court because all three Lewis County Superior Court judge’s recused themselves.

The 2-year-old pet belonged to a Centralia family which adopted him in January from the Lewis County Animal Shelter. Jan Propp-Estimo, her son and grandson lost him when local authorities realized Hank was actually a dog named Tank which the county had previously designated a dangerous dog because he was implicated with his mother in the killing of two goats in Winlock last year.

The county took him back in May. He remains locked up at the shelter.

Karp said that the judge today basically said it’s not his job to second guess Judge Buzzard.

Presently there is no order mandating Hank’s euthanasia by any date certain.

The parties will return to Grays Harbor County Superior Court at 8:30 a.m. on Sept. 25 to enter the written order of today’s oral conclusions of the judge, Karp said.

Karp said his plan is to appeal today’s decision to the state Court of Appeals, trying to expedite it, for Hank’s sake, he said.

Separately, an action Karp filed on Propp-Estimo’s behalf against Lewis County and some of its personnel seeking damages and other relief was removed to federal court and continues.

Karp this afternoon said something he’s learned in nearly 20 years of practice is, if first you don’t succeed, keep on trying because often one finds justice at higher levels.

“We’re not going to let this dog die, it’s just not going to happen,” he said. “If it requires the Ninth Circuit or the Washington Supreme Court, that’s what we’ll do.

“I feel for Hank, being incarcerated for this period of time; I hope he’ll have the spirit to continue on.”

For background, read “Hank: Judge declines to declassify dangerous dog” from Monday June 19, 2017, here

Local fire danger not letting up

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – The Gifford Pinchot National Forest announced yesterday it is banning not only campfires, but also smoking throughout the forest, effective immediately.

Restrictions will remain in place until there is significant moisture to lower the fire danger.


The restrictions apply also to the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument area.

The ban includes any stove fires including briquette fires. Smoking is not prohibited within an enclosed vehicle or building.

At the same time, the state Department of Natural Resources expanded its outdoor burn ban to include the entire state, meaning no campfires in any state parks or any land protected by DNR.

“Wildfire and smoke is affecting every community around the state as we see the hot, dry summer take its toll on our forests,” Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz stated in a press release. “Without any relief from this weather in the foreseeable future and with our firefighters spread across the Northwest, we can no longer allow outdoor burning anywhere in Washington.”

Anyone caught violating the burn ban can face fines.

On Monday, Labor Day, DNR firefighters responded to 21 new fire starts.

Fireworks and incendiary devices, such as exploding targets, sky lanterns, or tracer ammunition, are always illegal on all DNR-protected forestlands.

Lewis County enacted a total outdoor burn ban at the beginning of August.

At its peak, there were 200 personnel battling a wildfire in Rochester that began a little over two weeks ago and consumed 384 acres, two residences, a historical home and its barn as well as a business, outbuildings, heavy equipment and vehicles, with most of the fire burning through the Scatter Creek Wildlife Area. West Thurston Regional Fire Authority announced Thursday the fire was finally out.

A red flag warning about critical fire weather is in place until 11 p.m. tomorrow in Pacific County as well as the Pe Ell area and the westernmost strip of Lewis County, down through Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties and also Skamania County.

Expected lightning and especially dry fuels are the reason.

Smoke from wildfires across the region will continue to linger over Western Washington through at least Thursday morning, according to the National Weather Service.

An air quality alert remains in place for all of Western Washington through mid-day tomorrow.

“Children, the elderly, and individuals with respiratory illnesses are most at risk of serious health effects,” NWS states in its alert. “These groups should limit or avoid spending time outdoors.”

Morton police investigate “present of dead kittens”

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – A 20-year-old Morton resident is charged for his role in allegedly leaving a taped-shut box of kittens in the yard of his 15-year-old companion’s ex-girlfriend and sending taunting social media messages.

The little cats were inside a cardboard diaper box, with no air holes or water on a very hot day, and placed in a location where they would not be easy to find, according to authorities.

An adult who discovered them told the Morton Police Department the felines appeared dehydrated, sick and hungry, court documents relate.

The two suspects allegedly told the 15-year-old girl via an audio Facebook message, there was a present of dead kittens waiting for her.

Brandon M. McIntyre, 20, of Morton, was arrested on Saturday and was  brought before a judge on yesterday afternoon in Lewis County Superior Court. The 15-year-old boy’s case is being handled in Lewis County Juvenile Court.

When McIntyre’s bail was discussed, Lewis County Chief Criminal Deputy Prosecutor Brad Meagher called the case alarming. Judge Joely O’Rourke called the allegations extremely alarming and agreed to the recommendation of $10,000.

Charging documents state the incident occurred on June 23 and 24 and came to the attention of police from a girl who learned about it on Facebook. A Morton police officer began investigating at the end of July and interviewed those involved, according to the documents.

The 15-year-old girl said the two suspects did it to get back at her for breaking up with her boyfriend, the younger of the two suspects.

When the adult confronted the boy about it on Facebook, he allegedly denied involvement but made several threats, including “I hope you die,” charging documents allege.

The audio Facebook message between the suspects and the 15-year-old girl allegedly include calling her vulgar names and also McIntyre threatening to “put a hit out” on the adult.

The adult and the girl reside in the same home where the kittens were found, though its location in Morton, or Mossyrock, is not mentioned. Charging documents don’t offer any update as to the kittens’ conditions.

McIntyre’s arraignment is scheduled for tomorrow in Lewis County Superior Court. He is charged with one count of first-degree animal cruelty and one count of cyberstalking.

Sirens: Daily police and fire roundup

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017




• Centralia police were called about 4:30 p.m. yesterday regarding a car stolen from the 1100 block of South Tower Avenue. Missing is a  1999 Nissan Altima, according to the Centralia Police Department. Police have a suspect.


• Chehalis police were called to the 200 block of Southwest 16th Street about 5:40 p.m. yesterday where a worm drive skill saw had been stolen out of an unlocked garage in previous days. It was black and red and almost new, according to the Chehalis Police Department.

• Chehalis police were called yesterday afternoon to the 2100 block of North National Avenue to take a report that a Penske tow dolly had been stolen. It is silver with gray fenders, according to the Chehalis Police Department.

• A red delivery shopping cart was reported stolen about 3:15 p.m. yesterday from the 1000 block of Belmont Avenue in Centralia, according to the Centralia Police Department.


• Centralia police were called at 5:20 a.m. today to the 900 block of South Scheuber Road where someone had cut a fuel line and siphoned gas from a vehicle.


• Officers were called about 9:20 p.m. yesterday about an assault at the 1200 block of Mellen Street in Centralia which led to one vehicle chasing another and a hit and run collision, according to the Centralia Police Department.


• A 25-year-old Centralia man was charged yesterday in Lewis County Superior Court with allegedly having sex with a 15-year-old neighbor girl. Lewis County Chief Criminal Deputy Prosecutor Brad Meagher was surprised the suspect was not in the courtroom yesterday afternoon, saying he had been in the jail over the weekend on another matter, and Meagher had asked an officer to book him that morning. According to charging documents, the girl’s mother contacted the sheriff’s office on Thursday and deputies interviewed the mother, the teen and the suspect. The deputies learned the suspect had recently moved in and the mom began to see her daughter hanging out in front of his house smoking cigarettes. The girl allegedly said that earlier in the week, he made advances, convinced her to go with him and the two had sex, according to charging documents. It wasn’t clear at the end of the court hearing when the suspect would appear in court to face the charge, of third-degree rape of a child.


• And, as usual, other incidents such as arrests for drugs, warrants, hit and run, reckless driving, driving under the influence, driving with suspended license; responses for alarm, dispute, civil issue, vandalism, vehicle collision, suspicious circumstances, misdemeanor assault, unfounded report … and more among 195 calls for local law enforcement and / or fire-emergency medical services in the 24-hour period ending about 7 a.m.