White Pass: Student statement about mass murder at school leads to arrest

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS –  A 15-year-old boy was arrested yesterday for making threats at White Pass High School of going on a killing spree and hurting other students.

The Glenoma teen allegedly made statements in a hallway and in a classroom in front of other students that he was “going to take a truck and commit mass murder at the school”, apparently by driving over other students, according to the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies were dispatched to the school in Randle about 10 a.m. on Tuesday and conducted an investigation, according to Chief Deputy Bruce Kimsey. The boy was sent home from school and wasn’t arrested until yesterday, according to Kimsey.

He was booked into the Lewis County Juvenile Detention Center for a gross misdemeanor related to intimidation of staff or students by threat of force or violence.

Kimsey said the second statement reported to the principal attributed to the 15-year-old was something to the effect of, if there was going to be a mass murder, it would be by his hand.

The sheriff’s office has zero tolerance regarding students making threats of harm to other students at school, Kimsey said.

The incident followed an episode occurring Monday at Morton High School in which a student joking about shooting morphed into a report of a youngster with a firearm at the school, causing a lockdown and drawing law enforcement officers with guns drawn.

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18 Responses to “White Pass: Student statement about mass murder at school leads to arrest”

  1. Love&Peace says:

    I feel like there is something not being shared. I wonder if this kid is merely being bullied. Why else would he be so angry (however extreme) and I wonder where this stems from if not bullying in some sense.

  2. ironorr says:

    Suck it XD!!!! I know you want to. Your posts speak volumes about what you really want and I’m the person to give it to you nice.

  3. Preachers stooge says:

    Treat children like convicts and run your schools like juvenile detention centers and they will act accordingly. There’s something triggering this epidemic and it’s not guns.

  4. XDs says:

    Oh the irony in the posts of Ironorr……..

  5. ironorr says:

    Hey dipshit, schools don’t teach about murder. If you want to deal with violence, start at the root; which is the support for violent sports where they manufacture ‘losers’, in schools.

    Blame anything else, but nobody is to blame but you and your apathy and your constant justification of institutionalized violence in the lives of children at school.

    I’m 100% certain, that if the kids weren’t so fucked up in the head, they would be shooting their parents instead of their innocent classmates.

  6. Dr Gringo says:

    I’d be a little more concerned about how modern teens and twentysomethings have been desensitized to death and murder after witnessing hundreds or thousands of killings of all sorts via TV, movies and video games…it ain’t football. How many school shooters from Columbine forward were jocks? Did Nikolas Cruz turn homicidal by watching Dolphins games?

  7. ironorr says:

    XD, why don’t you go fuck off and do something useful, like crack open a book and learn about children before resorting bullying every time a problem comes up.

    Get a life you knuckle-dragging, slope-browed simian of the lowest possible order of primates.

  8. XDs says:

    Ironorr, reading your comments makes my head hurt. Maybe you should go back to those same schools that you’re complaining about and pay attention this time so you can at least use correct grammar.

  9. ironorr says:

    Look, if you so-called “parents” knew anything about children’s development, you would know that their brains aren’t fully developed until the ripe age of at least 24. But, just because your 40-something year-old brain was exposed to the things that make our society such a messed up place, doesn’t mean your children have to be exposed to the same.

    Look, it’s unfortunate that new science about the brain is now only teaching us things we didn’t know about childhood development earlier. But that’s no excuse to continue to act ignorant concerning the subject. The military has known for a long time that people are more impressionable and easier led by authority and fear when their brains aren’t fully developed. It’s just too bad they didn’t teach the civilian population sooner.

    In essence, your children have been exposed to increasing levels of violence in every facet of life. No place is immune. How long is it going to take before you create a world where shool shooting don’t happen? It has to start sometime.

    But you can’t expect your children to be the ones to carry the burden you created by being apathetic to the culture of violence and allowing it to spread into the schools through violent sports like football.

    What is the purpose of creating a “loser”? How do losers get treated? Who likes losers? Do people celebrate the loser?

    Why would you think it would be okay to label any individual or team of individuals as a lower or as losers?

    To me, playing a game to manufacture a team of losers is making school shootings not just more likely, but guaranteed.

    You want your children to start acting like adults? Then grow up yourself and be adults and lead by example and not by posting ignorant trash on social media.

  10. Preachers stooge says:

    Yall all worried about some bullied teen when your class valedictorian is having a abortion and your govt is lieing it’s ass off to supercharge funding for its social programs that are not needed. Y’all need Jesus. Paranoid Hippocrates our military has killed more people for nothing than stupid columbine punks so we can loose our gun rights. Really who gives a shit about bullied billy.

  11. CrazyOldMan says:

    A few years ago there was a tweaker lady in our White Pass School District who called the school after hours extremely irate because the school bus driver left her kids off at the wrong place by mistake. I think she threatened to come down there and kill everyone or something to that effect. Her threats ended up on the voice recorder and the messages weren’t picked up by the school until mid morning the next day.

    The funny thing is that the school put out a telephone alert for everyone to pick up their kids because of the threat so this lady, not remembering that it was her who made the threats, drives down to pick up her kids and gets arrested. She spent a few years in state prison over that one and I hear she is doing well now.

  12. Apparenty says:

    Sassydaughter911. All bark and no bite? What about earlier in the year at a cross country meet, when he held a knife to a 7th grade team members throat? This kid has problems that need addressed.

  13. mike says:

    Kids making threats are bad enough, but no one knows where the next mass killing will take place. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not going to go away. The Columbine shooting was 19 years ago and we are still dealing with it.

    I am afraid that we have no choice but to make every school a hard target. Tightly controlled points of entry and armed staff. I am not a real big fan of arming teachers. I don’t think most of them are up to the job of taking down an active shooter. I am sure all the teachers are good people who want to protect their students, but I don’t think many of them would be good at the tactics involved. If they wanted to be cops, they would have become cops. Instead they are teachers. We should not think they can be both.

    I know it is expensive but I believe that an armed security force at each school, dedicated to patrolling the grounds, controlling entry and actively working to improve security is what is needed from at all public schools. This would not be easy and it would not be cheap. People would have to be hired, trained, equipped and paid. They need to be professionals and not just a bunch of door shakers. They will need to train with local law enforcement but they don’t necessarily have to be a police force, although many school districts do have their own police departments. As I said, it is expensive and as much as I detest taxes, I would be willing to pay more if the money was directed towards the safety of our kids. I value my hard earned pay but I value our kids even more.

  14. SassyDaughter911 says:

    You guys shouldn’t assume how this kid was raised just based on a one time thing..Teenagers are notorious for saying things to impress their friends, especially stupid things. While that doesn’t make it okay for him to say what he said, there was no proof that he was actually gonna do it. The school just took appropriate measures to make sure everyone would be safe. There is no need to bash someone else’s parenting when you don’t know the entire situation.

    I am a student at White Pass who knows this guy and knows he’s all bark and no bite!!

  15. Mom says:

    You have got to be kidding me…sports is what’s making kids kill each other? Not a single one of these kids that have committed mass murder was an athlete. They didn’t sit with their families and watch a football game and decide to grab a gun and go hurt people.

    There is a breakdown in the American family, and that may be the start of the issue but each one of these horrific mass killings is different from the other. There isn’t one single answer out there. If we banned sports tomorrow, there would still be another shooting. If they ban all guns tomorrow…there would still be another shooting at some point. It’s going to take a lot more than knee jerk legislation to save our youth from these horrific nightmares.

  16. ironorr says:

    Go bully someone other than your children for once. All you people who want to end violence, you need to shut your mouths and start by changing yourselves first.

    You sit in front of television watching violent programming where the ultimate joy is getting together to watch divisive sports that pit one group of people against another group so they can fight each other, tackles each other, scratch, kick, claw, and sometimes kill their way to victory. All in the name of ENTERTAINMENT. If you want violence in schools to stop, then stop exposing your children to violence, stop allowing the schools to embrace violent sports. NOT violence IN sports, because sports don’t have to have games where a “loser” is manufactured. Teams don’t have to be split into groups to fight each other, they can work together!! Use the common sense that God gave you, but don’t blame children.

    Children’s brains haven’t even fully developed until they are at the age of 24 years old!!! And the last part of the brain to develop is the part that deals with ‘consequences’ and “right vs. wrong”. This is why so many young people appear to make stupid decisions or act a little crazy, because their brain has not yet fully developed.

    Ya’ll need to do some research before having children, because blaming them for the results of your inability to change is making a bad matter even worse!!!!

  17. XDs says:

    Welcome to More Fallout from the Reagan Era. Every child gets a trophy, do not spank your children and locally in our area thank you to the spotted owl. This child is most likely a second or third generation welfare and state benefit case. When the spotted owl hit the mentally strong kept working while the weak-minded turned to alcohol and drugs and government assistance. These children that are in their early teens now have known nothing but government assistance, food stamps, drugs and learning how to work the system. Let me guess he is playing a victim also?

  18. Charles Zandecki says:

    These students need to realize that the schools won’t put up with this type of behavior. This deal with violence needs to stop. I’m going to work with the law enforcement to see if we can do a safety program with the schools.