News brief: Feline’s fur trimmed by unknown person

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – Chehalis police were called on Saturday night by a woman who said someone in her neighborhood had shaved her cat.

She had seen the cat about 11:30 a.m. that day and then at 10:30 p.m. when she saw it again, the hair on its belly, back legs and butt area had been shaved very short, according to the Chehalis Police Department.

The woman told police the cat wouldn’t let anyone touch it. The pet resides at the 300 block of Southeast Fairview Avenue.

Chehalis police spokesperson Linda Bailey said they don’t have any leads.

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7 Responses to “News brief: Feline’s fur trimmed by unknown person”

  1. That Guy says:

    Sleepless in Sintralia and Meow, you can also put regular paint balls in the freezer until you need them. They freeze rock hard and are much cheaper than Jaycor.

  2. Sleepless in Sintralia says:

    Meow try using Jaycor rounds in you PB gun there unbreakable nylon balls that hit with about 30 joules of energy just dont head shot them or they could die

  3. meow says:

    It sucks when you find cat shit in your flowers, I use a paint ball gun, they never come back!! Or turn my mastiff loose,he loves to eat pussy cats. When my neighbors dog shits in my yard, I pick it up with a shovel and smash it on his front door.( after warning him twice) if you can’t keep your animals on your property, shit happens,lol

  4. Free Air says:

    While I’m at it, It just occurred to me. The next time I see drug activity in Chehalis on SW Cascade and 4th I’ll not report it like normal, as nobody seems to care.

    I’ll report it as a cat shaving cult activity! At least then it will be investigated.

  5. Free Air says:

    Sounds like someone needs to keep their kitty at home and not out running around the neighborhood.

  6. BobbyinLC says:

    Oh no Gregg you didn’t go there ha ha

  7. Gregg Peterson says:

    A new CATagory of hair salons are on the rise.