Porch delivery snatched by stranger while resident at home

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

Thefts of packages delivered to front porches aren’t a new thing, but are becoming increasingly common in Centralia.

The police department has gotten several reports in recent weeks of residents getting a confirmation their item has been delivered, but then discovering it’s been stolen.

They’ve advised the public if they can’t be home when their expected parcel arrives, they should try to find a friend or neighbor to wait for it.

“(Or) have them watch for the delivery and grab the package as soon as it’s been delivered,” Officer John Panco said after one was stolen from the 900 block of North Pearl Street last week.

Even that may not be enough.

Yesterday, officers were called to a home on the 200 block of King Street just before 1 p.m. because a Kindle delivered to the front steps was taken, even while somebody was at home, according to the Centralia Police Department.

“UPS dropped it off, her kid saw somebody grab the package and take off,” Sgt. Kurt Reichert said.

The only description officers had was that the thief was wearing a red shirt and had a beard, Reichert said. Officers looked around and weren’t able to find him, according to Reichert.

The department is asking citizens to keep an eye out and if they see suspicious activity, to immediately call 911 or the non-emergency number of 740-1105.

Here is what to watch for, according to Panco:

• Vehicles driving slowly through residential areas. This can indicate the occupants are checking porches for items, especially if a mail truck or other type of delivery truck was just in the area.

• Watch for pedestrians that are looking closely at the front of the houses. Watch to see if they head up the walkway towards the front porch not carrying anything but when they are walking away from the front porch they are carrying packages.

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