Lewis County Sheriff’s Enforcement Team poses for photo – left to right, Deputy Tim English, Deputy Jeff Godbey, Sgt. Dan Riordan, Deputy Rick Van Wyck , K9 Axel – with Sheriff Rob Snaza and Undersheriff Wes Rethwill. / Courtesy photo by Lewis County Sheriff’s Office
By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter
CHEHALIS – Lewis County Sheriff Rob Snaza has completed a five-day executive development program with the National Sheriff’s Institute in Aurora, Colorado.
Snaza, a Napavine area Republican, was elected in November following about two decades with the sheriff’s office.
He was among 27 sheriff’s from across the country to participate early this month in training on the challenges facing American sheriff’s today, according to a news release from the National Sheriffs’ Association.
“In light of those challenges, the sheriffs explored the role of the local sheriff in providing effective leadership for the public good in such areas as public safety, criminal justice system policy, community relations, and organization effectiveness and efficiency,” Hilary Burgess, NSA manager of training, stated.
The National Sheriffs’ Association is a professional association representing the nearly 3,100 elected sheriffs across the country. The program was also co-sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections, a division of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons.
Snaza has said among his priorities are rooting out career criminals, continuing to run a no-frills jail and partnering with schools.
In mid-September, he announced the formation of a team to assess and work on problem areas and issues within the county.
The Sheriff’s Enforcement Team, or SET team, consists of a sergeant, three deputies and a K-9.
“If we have a rash of vehicle prowls in a particular neighborhood or identify a burglary trend in one area of the county, SET will be called in,” Snaza stated. “The team will also work DUI emphasis, warrant sweeps, drug investigations, or anything else that we feel helps us better meet our mission.”
Tags: By Sharyn L. Decker, news reporter
When I wanted to see how Lewis County Law Enforcement worked, I called and did a couple of ride along.
Many of the writers here could benefit greatly from the experience. There’s a huge disconnect between TV Cops and the real world of our police departments.
Has anyone taken Bo Rupert up on his offer to search him out? I did and all I found was a loud mouth little punk with most likely resentment for his short stature (and most likely short in other areas) keyboard warrior with mommy issues. If you actually had a valid argument Bo Rupert I am sure most would be more receptive. Unfortunately you are one of the sad souls that inhabit Lewis County and stay behind a keyboard to start ridiculous agendas for your sad lonely existence.
Not once have we ever seen where the sherrif has put extra manpower out there to keep an eye on child molesters rapists pedophiles living in our neighbor hood just because they warn the community that there will be one moving onto our streets doesn’t mean their doing their job to protect and serve. Just maybe if they would spend the time and money to protect the very ones they took an oath to protect might just keep another child’s life from being destroyed by some son of a bitch that’s far worse a person than any of the others their picking on.
I think Wilbur needs a hug.
Wilbur, are you buds with Bo Rupert? You obviously have no idea of what an MRAP is. Firstly their are no grenades on or near it, or in the entire sheriffs office for that matter, secondly their are no machine guns mounted on it. Had you gone and looked at the vehicle when it was on display you’d know these things. I love how people twist the facts to make them selves look inteligent. If you dont like it here Wilbur, perhaps you should move to Canada!
Fortunately for you, the lovely state of Washington will allow you to smoke marijuana, marry the same sex and not be put to death for committing several murders in 1 day.
My suggestion for your negative ass is to marry Bo Rupert in a dispensary and go Fatal Attraction on him. It would make Lewis County a much better place. Dont you think?
Taxpayer paid and co-sponsored by the DOC bureau of prisons reminding attendees that the goal is housing >25% of the world’s prisoners while forgetting we have ~5% of the world’s population. I heard there were presentations on the challenges of: “promotion for failure”, and how to continue to profitably pursue failed institutions like Jeb! and the “war on some drugs.” Republicans like GOP Sheriff Rob Snaza have abandoned the poor and the middle class to pursue the agenda of the wealthiest one percent (1%) of Americans. GOP serve, protect, and promote the welfare of the aristocracy who are above the law, and above paying taxes. So am I supposed to be happy that the newly appointed sheriff has formed a cool new JNET gang of corporate enforcers to continue to beat down the legion of unemployed, destitute homeless losers, and drug abusers around here? “Snaza has said among his priorities are rooting out career criminals, continuing to run a no-frills jail and partnering with schools.” Career criminals are your best friends pal, your jail is a backwards mental institution except there are no doctors, and I don’t want you exerting your military influence or operating your MRAP, grenades, and fully automatic weapons in schools or in my neighborhood.
I think it’s a great idea. Lots of crime areas and if they can pinpoint and saturate the area to stop it, that’s what they need to do.
As far as people mad about spending tax payer funds for training, well, that’s part of the departments duty is to train and find out what other agencies are doing and how to better the departments and agencies. The better trained departments give more back to their communities. Bo, you need a new hobby.
STFU Bo Rupert! You’re a complete idiot and everyone knows it, you’re the biggest clown/looser in Lewis County so why dont’t you do EVERYONE a favor and MOVE!!
There has been a team like this before at the LCSO, as part of UNET. They did a great job. It is amazing what a dedicated team can do when working higher priority/fewer amount of cases rather than having them have to patrol too and go to every call. They can better focus on problem areas rather than be pulled in 100 different directions every day. Glad he was able to put a team like that together again even if it is with a different team (mostly).
So the sheriff returns from a tax funded seminar (ya it was free but who paid travel, lodging, food, etc?) only to learn that if crime is happening in a focused area then law enforcement should direct their attention to said area? Cutting edge indeed! And when they’re not called into a specific area then they will “work dui emphasis, warrant sweeps, drug investigations, or anything else”….in other words do their job. Thanks Rob. Brilliant and unique!
Well Bo, your concerns do not matter in the eyes of an elected official beings that convicted felons don’t vote. (your own admissions via your blog ) I think the SET Team is a genius idea and will absolutely help the county with troubled areas.
Hopefully they can do some patrolling in the Logan District, my tenant’s had her tires slashed twice and other damage in the last month.
I have no faith in some of the Lewis County Sheriffs deputies. when they go collecting evidence and only collect what makes a person look guilty and leaves behind the stuff that could acquit them of all charges, that’s corrupted.. this is pertaining to text and emails,, 500 of them and they only pick 100, fully knowing it was going to go to trial…..CORRUPTED
I am concerned very deeply about this new program. I do not feel comfortable with him having a squad to enforce policies/laws that he personally feels are in need of enforcing. This personally sounds like a team of his own hatchet men formed to do his ill bidding upon others. This concern me deeply.
Sounds like the old Squad 5 program.