Arguments regarding 93-year prison term for juvenile to be heard Monday morning

By Sharyn  L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – A re-sentencing hearing is set to be held tomorrow for the former Centralia High School student whose virtual life sentence for a drive-by shooting committed at age 16 was tossed out by the state court of appeals.


Guadalupe Solis-Diaz Jr.

Guadalupe Solis-Diaz Jr. was convicted following the incident in downtown Centralia in the summer of 2007, and given a nearly 93-year term.

He was tried as an adult and convicted of multiple offenses, including one count of first-degree assault committed with a firearm for each bullet that was fired. Nobody was hit.

The state Court of Appeals ordered the local court to conduct a new hearing, referencing various matters that should have been handled more thoroughly, given that he was a juvenile.

The hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m. in front of Lewis County Superior Court Judge Nelson Hunt. Lawyers have previously said they expect the matter could take half a day.


For background, read: “Appeals court gives Centralia teen a “do-over” on 90-plus-year drive-by shooting sentence” from Wednesday September 19, 2012, here


13 Responses to “Arguments regarding 93-year prison term for juvenile to be heard Monday morning”

  1. Edward says:

    I kinda agree that 90+ years is a bit too long for the law abiding citizens to pay for his crimes I think society should have never lost the original punishment procedures such as : If you get caught stealing you get your hand cut off, sexual offenders get castrated, and this kid should be forced to stand on a sidewalk while someone scares the shit out of him randomly throughout the day doing drive-bys

  2. Wayne Tuthill says:

    We do not need.people on our street this is just the first time thank to the Courts. Voters should start look at the judges and prosecutors.r voting . Most people just see one person running and this will work.This is why we. Are having. Trouble inn this County now. check out who is working look at some of the deals now, just
    To get out of work by making these deals with dirt bags.

  3. lockemup says:

    He could have killed a small child or a grandparent mother father I say keep him locked up . Now he probably thinks he is tough since he has been in prison and will do it again . We dont need him in lc at all I say see ya !!!

  4. Wayne Tuthill says:

    No matter what we do not need this Dirt on our streets he will do it again thanks to the courts

  5. Lisarae says:

    This is an absurd sentence that will come with an absurd price tag. A 16 year old child is not not considered mature enough to make an informed decision regarding the long term consequences of smoking, or drinking. Therefore, they are not legally permitted to purchase either. A 16 year old child is not considered to be mature enough to sign his life away to the military, therefore, it is not legal for him to enlist.
    Yet, in these circumstances, he is expected to be completely mature?
    His crime was horrible, and I certainly dont condone it, however, his sentence of 93 years is a crime in and of itself, and you, the tax payers will get to pay for that for a very, very long time.
    There has to be a better way to get the message across. Obviously mass incarceration isnt working. Is that not obvious?

  6. OlyChris says:

    I’m sorry but where do you come off calling this an act of terrorism? Is it because his skin isn’t white? It was gang related, pure and simple. Terrorism is: “the systematic use of violence (terror) as a means of coercion for political purposes”.

  7. Mike says:

    His crime was an act of terrorism. If a Muslim radical had shot up downtown Centralia, or any other city, there would be hue and cry to lock him up forever.

  8. use common sense says:

    I wish sex offenders and rapist would get 90+ years, but no they all get 18 months, Get out, reoffend, do a few more years, get out ,,,molest another lil kid. . And then we’re all surprised when we see them on Lewis county sirens wanted for violation.Sex predators get multiple chances….. this kid didn’t even actually hit anyone with his bullet. Makes a lot of sense!!!

  9. Ridge says:

    Science has proven that a juvenile mind is not fully developed at the age of sixteen. Juveniles do not see the far reaching consequences of their actions and we all know that juveniles are easily lead by people they believe to be friends. Now given the fact that he was a gang member should have been and was taken into account by the sentencing board. But a high amount of emotion regarding this case was also taken into account. We have had several people in this county who have committed cold blooded murder and served only three years prison time. My opinion is even though he shot at people, and had the intent to hurt people, no one WAS hurt. His life since he was sentenced to prison should be looked at with a magnifying glass. If he is truly remorseful for what he did, his life, even in prison will show it. If it does show that he has a spotless record since incarceration. Then a highly regulated second chance at life should be afforded him. If prison life shows he has joined a gang there, then it can be said that he will do likewise if released. His life since sentencing should make the case for him.

  10. No second chance says:

    Why does he need a second chance? Do we really want another “gangster” running around L.C. I dont care if he was 16 years old now that he’s older how do we not know that he will do it again. It waste of time and money. He’ll probably end up with the same gang again.

  11. ji m says:

    If you commit an adult crime you should receive an adult sentence.

  12. waste of money says:

    He could have easily killed so many including my husband! Honestly it’s people like him that I hate that my tax dollars have to pay to provide for him! When he could have taken so much.. at least keep him locked up he’ll never be a productive functioning member of society.

  13. Disgusted says:

    This is pathetic. He deserved that sentence for his actions regardless of his age. He’s a gangster/thug and always will be. He could have killed multiple people because of his thoughtless sociopathic actions. I hope the courts maintain his (basically) life sentence. I’d hate to know such a criminal could ever be set free again.