News brief: Annual report; local troopers traffic stops detailed


By Sharyn  L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – In their efforts to reduce fatality and serious injury collisions, troopers in Lewis County last year removed 288 impaired drivers from local roadways.

The numbers come from a year-end break down of state patrol activities.

The troopers’ work efforts during 2012 contributed to a reduction in the number of fatal collisions by 15 percent, injury collisions by 12 percent and total collisions by 2 percent on state routes and Interstate highways in the five county area known as the Washington State Patrol’s District 5 compared with 2011, according to state patrol spokesperson Trooper Will Finn.

Other numbers tallied up for last year in Lewis County that came from 30,296 contacts with motorists by troopers include:

• Stopped 12,692 speeders.
• Stopped 1,041 aggressive drivers
• Contacted 883 vehicle occupants for not wearing or improperly wearing seat belts.
• Investigated 637 collisions

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3 Responses to “News brief: Annual report; local troopers traffic stops detailed”

  1. The Dirty Cop Enforcer says:

    with so many tickets why are the police undermaned? Where are the profits going?

  2. omg says:

    Love our troopers, especially the ones who ticket the Oregon rigs!!

  3. waterfaller says:

    How many were from cell phone violations?