Sharyn’s Sirens: Daily police and fire roundup


• Deputies were called to a home on the 1200 block of North Fork Road east of Chehalis about 9:20 p.m. yesterday after a man allegedly kicked a small cat across a porch and threw a brick at his ex’s car. A 45-year-old woman said they’d separated about three weeks earlier and he came knocking, wanting her to come back to him, according to the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office. She told him to leave, shut the door and then watched as he kicked the animal and damaged the car, according to the sheriff’s office. A deputy subsequently contacted Michael T. Gleason, 48, of Chehalis, and booked him into the Lewis County Jail for second-degree malicious mischief, domestic violence, Chief Civil Deputy Stacy Brown said. The case was also referred to the prosecutor’s office for a possible charge of animal cruelty. Brown didn’t have details on the cat’s condition. The damage to the Mercury Cougar was estimated at $750, Brown said.

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One Response to “Sharyn’s Sirens: Daily police and fire roundup”

  1. M says:

    Acting out against an innocent pet-not cool. I’d be more upset over the cat kicking than the Cougar assault.