News brief: Talks underway about possible joint Twin Cities fire department

By Sharyn  L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

Firefighters from Chehalis and Centralia have been meeting to see if there is interest in joining forces, perhaps creating one big fire department.

Chehalis Fire Department Capt. Casey Beck, who is president of the IAFF Local 2510 representing his department’s union members, said this week they owe it to the citizens to at least consider the options.

“We work together all the time anyhow,” Beck said. “Both groups want to explore it further.”

Beck said such consolidations are happening around the country and the firefighters on the ground here seem to be ready to begin evaluating if the numbers pencil out so they could provide service more effectively and efficiently.

A gathering is set for the end of this month with city managers, fire chiefs, labor representatives from Riverside Fire Authority and the Chehalis Fire Department, as well as Lewis County fire district’s 6 and 5, according to Beck.

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