Investigation continues into deadly Salkum dispute

Updated at 11:45 a.m.

By Sharyn  L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – The Lewis County Coroner’s Office says an autopsy conducted yesterday found that 28-year-old Travis Shive died of massive internal bleeding from a gunshot wound, described as entering his abdomen and traveling into his chest without exiting his body.

The Salkum resident was shot twice, by a neighbor on Saturday night, according to the sheriff’s office.

The 56-year-old neighbor man who has not been arrested admitted he armed himself with a .380 semi-automatic handgun and said he went outside to get Shive to leave his property.

The unnamed man told deputies he felt threatened because Shive had been on his front porch ranting, accusing him of shooting his dog and refused to leave.

The sheriff’s office says it learned a fight took place in the yard after Shive, who was unarmed, lunged at the older man and then he was shot.

Shive was transported to Providence Centralia Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The Lewis County Sheriff’s Office has said the shooter is cooperating with the investigation, and said they were awaiting the results of the autopsy.

This morning, the sheriff’s office indicated detectives now want to answer the question of the proximity of the shooter to Shive when the firearm was discharged.

They are sending Shive’s clothing to the Washington State Patrol Crime Lab to be examined, according to Chief Civil Deputy Stacy Brown.

Brown said both shots were from front to back, not in the back as two of several witnesses reported.

Coroner Warren McLeod said the other shot struck Shive in his left shoulder.

It happened about 8:10 p.m. on Saturday at the 200 block of Stowell Road, about a half block from the Salkum Super market.

Responding firefighters were told to wait at their station until deputies arrived to make sure the scene was safe.

Fire Chief Duran McDaniel estimated he stayed parked at the neighborhood store perhaps seven minutes, before he was given the okay to come in, something that was tough to do as a person lay injured.

Shive was able to walk off the property and was in the front yard of another property where bystanders were performing CPR.

The coroner said this morning the delay didn’t play a role in Shive’s death, the internal bleeding was so serious.

“Even if the medics got there (immediately) there is nothing, that I’m aware of, they can do all that much to stem the bleeding out in the field,” McLeod said.

Brown this morning indicated the investigation could take some time; such as getting the test results back because of a backlog at the state crime lab.

She said detectives learned the 56-year-old never opened his front door while Shive was there yelling, as he had it duct taped closed in connection with some kind of repair or renovation.

According to Brown, the man exited through a back or side door into the yard to see what was happening, and then the confrontation occurred.

The sheriff’s office believes Shive went to the man’s house in error, thinking it was he who shot the dog.

Detectives are still looking into who did it, as part of their inquiry, but Brown didn’t have high expectations they would find that out.

“I don’t know that person will ever come forward, at this point,” she said. “I don’t know that we’ll ever know.”


CORRECTION: This news story has been updated to clarify the 56-year-old resident never opened the front door, and only left his house one time to meet up with Shive in his yard, according to the sheriff’s office.


For background, read “Deadly dispute over dog shooting still under investigation in Salkum” from Monday May 12, 2014, here

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57 Responses to “Investigation continues into deadly Salkum dispute”

  1. Uuhh... says:

    Republican logger, please make what you say count.. Your post screams lifeless ego maniac..

  2. Republican Logger says:

    Please use spell check before posting.

    Your post screams lack of education.

  3. Go Ahead Make My Day says:

    The lesson here is simple. Don’t go to another mans home in this County and start a scene. You could end up on the wrong end of a gun barrel. People act properly call the sheriff and report the problem don’t start one. The homeowner has a right to protect his safety and this guy had it coming because the victim brought the problem to his door step.

  4. asap says:

    Justice in this county

  5. asap says:

    When you go in your house to get a gun to kill someone in your yard ..think about it…. he was in his home .if he lock the doors .and this man broke in !! That would be stand your grown … but to to back out and kill someone because they are yelling at u. There are no laws that give anyone the right to kill for traspass ..I DON t care ho you are . the law needs to ask the question.. did he feel he was sthil in danger in his home? if so was he on drugs? like most of the lewis county sheriff s department!!! they have to be to call this a justified shooting. and the kids they have as prosecutor will not stand up for are rights so I guess the poor will pay because with no money u will not get

  6. :) says:

    For any and all of you who had anything poor to say about Travis, I would just like to let it be known that close to 300 people gathered today at the sulkum fire station to celebrate his life.. It was remarkable to see how many people that loved him and hear the wonderful things they had to say.. I seriously doubt that any of us have had that sort of impact on so so so many peoples lives.. and that was only the people that showed up… RIP Travis It was a honor a pleasure and a privilege knowing you!!

  7. Guilty Bystander says:

    With all the talk about whether or not the shooter should be in jail, I hadn’t even thought about a civil suit being filed by Shive’s family. If the LC Prosecutor’s Office declines to file charges, I’ll be surprised if some lawyer doesn’t talk to them about seeking redress in that fashion like Nicole Brown Simpson’s family did.

    The burden of proof in a civil suit is generally lower than in a criminal trial because you need a unanimous vote by a jury in a criminal trial while a simple majority is good enough in a civil trial. No jail time from losing a civil suit, but it can cost you plenty.

    Even if the shooter isn’t charged, I don’t think that will be the end of this.

  8. Solid 'C' Student says:

    Regarding justifiable homicide by a private citizen. The law states it’s justifiable to prevent “great bodily harm” I might surmise that definition to be if a person is – say armed with some type of implement. A baseball bat, knife, gun. Or perhaps the intended victim suffers from a physical incapacity or is set on by a number of assailants. Does simple fisticuffs define great bodily harm? That’s the question. It’s why I’ll be surprised if this is the last we’ll hear of this. ….then there’s the possibility of a wrongful death civil suit the deceased’s family has right to address with the courts.

  9. Republican Logger says:

    There is an open carry law in Washington state. If you are not barred from legally possessing a firearm you can legally be armed with the firearm in plain view. The homeowner was legally armed.

    Moral of the story is this,
    Do not go onto someone’s property uninvited, remain after told to leave and lunge at property owner if you do not want to be shot.

  10. read more carefully... says:

    The front door was never opened… The shooter never spoke to Travis before he grabbed a gun and went outside to point it in his face… He grabbed a gun and left the safety of his home and murdered a 28 year old man… Travis acted stupid and irrational… maybe he deserved to spend the night in jail or get a harassment charge or some sort of restraining order.. But he did not deserve to die.. His family and the neighbor kids didn’t deserve to see him be murdered…

  11. Republican Logger says:

    Actually Washington state law says that you can use deadly force to prevent personal injury or to prevent a felony from being committed.
    The fact that the deceased was lunging at him with the intent of committing bodily harm to the shooter justifies his decision to shoot.

  12. Solid 'C' Student says:

    I wonder if the Prosecutor’s Office are legally bound by state law to convene a grand jury in this kind of situation?

    If the deceased were inside, or trying to force entry into the residents home, it would be more cut-and-dried. Given the resident went out side to confront the deceased, and used deadly force on someone unarmed. That seems to complicate things a tad.

    Somebodies probably got a lawyer on retainer.

  13. Republican Logger says:

    “Uneducated Prosecutor”
    1. You do not need a concealed weapons permit if the weapon is not concealed.
    2. The homeowner was on his property telling the aggressor to leave and pointed the firearm at the aggressor when he would not leave.
    3. The aggressor lunged an the homeowner.
    4. The homeowner fired at the aggressor in self defense.

    Is that clear enough for you…???

  14. BigDog says:

    Travis got just what he earned! I don’t understand why the frightened neighbor didn’t empty his gun in him. I am sure if some nut was freaking out at my front door and carrying on like a nut in my front yard he would have gotten more and bigger lead in him. Why didn’t Travis call the cops? Don’t make the shooter out to be the bad guy! I carry a gun (with a permit) most of the time because it’s easier than packing a cop with me all the time. In this new drug world we now live in you just never know who will be at your door next! May the tweekers learn a lesson from all this.

  15. for the prosecutor says:

    Continued from last comment
    Did the shooter even have a concealed weapons permit ? This makes our community feel unsafe knowing that our justice system is allowing RANDOMS to get by with murder. It isnt even ok for a police officer to shoot a person but this man is getting away with cold blooded murder. Im sure Trav did lunge at the man but only after he saw the man with a gun pointed at him I wouldnt doubt if Trav got shot once and then lunged either way what gave that man the right to shoot at another human being. If I was law enforcement I would be ashamed that this is being called justice. Travis may not of had the perfect record but did he really deserve to be murdered in cold blood while his family and neighbors even children watched sounds like cruel and unusual punishment to me. I`ve also heard the shooter is running NA classes in the jail, sounds to me like he has a past too.. Was the shooter givin a toxicology test

  16. for the prosecutor says:

    When did it become legal fora person to bring a gun into
    A public area and start firing shots ,that not only killed a man but there were children playing outside just two houses down only about hgfifteen ft. Away. Why is this man not in jail? Why would a person that felt threatened not just call the police? How is it legal for him to answer a knock on the front door with a bullet?

  17. Free Air says:

    “Barbara says:
    Thursday, May 15, 2014 at 8:05 pm
    Dont matter, ok, I am a little confused here. How did this story become about Deputy Almond and Sgt. Snaza?”

    It’s called using a tragedy at other’s expense for your own political gain or agenda.
    It’s the lowest form of ambulance chaser there is.

  18. MakeAssumption says:

    Many seem to be saying that the homeowner should have assumed Travis had innocent intent – that Travis was not violent, not a threat.

    If anyone comes on my porch screaming and yelling and doesn’t leave when asked… I would assume he was deranged, under the influence or just crazy mad. I would feel my family, home and belongings may be threatened and arm myself accordingly.

    The article says the front screen door wouldn’t open, so the homeowner went around to see what the man was talking about.

    The homeowner had armed himself.

    Travis was coming TOWARD the homeowner when shot.

    That speaks to the fact that Travis was being aggressive and a threat.

    It doesn’t matter he was nice guy, a sweet man, a gentle father, brother, son. It matters that in the moment, he appeared aggressive and unreasonable. In. The. Moment.

    Sometimes, we can’t have “one crazy moment” and get away with bad behavior. This appears to be one of those times.

  19. Republican Logger says:

    Sorry, but if some well known local “tough guy”, criminal,”former” meth user came onto my property belligerently ranting about something and wouldn’t leave when told to and lunged at me, he would have met the same fate.
    People want to call what happened wild west justice well it was in response to a wild west confrontation.

    Sorry but if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

  20. Barbara says:

    Dont matter, ok, I am a little confused here. How did this story become about Deputy Almond and Sgt. Snaza? Sorry if Jeremy didn’t let you off with a warning for whatever you have a grudge against him for and Rob will make a great sheriff. And before anyone assumes, no, I do not work for the sheriff’s office, not married to, related to or dating any of them (past or present).

    I thought this story was about a guy who lost his temper and started an argument with the wrong person at the wrong time. I will fess up to being a big wussy so if it had been me I would have also pulled a gun to protect myself on my own property.

  21. justanotherguy says:

    Use of deadly force may not have been needed. Who knows these days. I had a run in with my neighbor awhile back about my dogs. I kept calm he didn’t. I’m pretty confident i could whoop him man to man but say we get tangled up and he pulls a knife or a compact pistol. I am a dead man in my front yard or driveway… People like to stroll through life thinking these types of things don’t happen. Its a shame but they do. In this case things may have went to far I wasnt there so can’t say for sure. I don’t know Travis personally but have been around him in the past and have known of his record. People change for the better. With that being said with what I knew of him i would be lying if I said there would not be a similar outcome in my front yard…

  22. BobbyinLC says:

    To “are you kidding me”
    No where in Sharyn’s report doe sit say the right abdomen.

  23. Ashamed! says:

    I am so sorry that any of this happens May God be with all of you who sit in judgment of these men as one day he will judge you. I wonder what would make a man feel so threatened by a person that instead of staying safely in their home and calling for help(911) they would go out wth a gun and confront the person they were so afraid of? Was Travis armed? Just so we are all clear having a police record. Does not then mean you are asked for life, and deserve death. People grow up find joys in life and do change for the better. I am not saying this did or did not happen here but who are you to judge this man’s life by only the negatives. It would be very. Sad if all we saw in every person we see each day was a list of their mistakes in life. How many might you have? Blessings to you all! May god heal the hearts of those involved and fill the hearts of judgment instead with compasion.

  24. Solid 'C' Student says:

    The third paragraph say’s it all. The resident went outside his home with intent. He’ll most assuredly be charged.

  25. are you kidding me says:

    The .380 is not a pass through round! The shot was in his right side, lots of soft tissue, take into account the angle of the round,distance, grain, do you know all about the ammo used? Are all powder.charges the same in cheap ammo? The reason the USArmy went to a smaller.round is because they “boumc

  26. bahlsdeep says:

    Don’t Matter….Two wrongs don’t make a right but two Wrights made an airplane. Calling 911 may help but the police fairy can’t beam you a deputy. This was in the middle of the county and a extended arrival time is expected. The facts are that Shrive was barking up the wrong tree about his dog being shot and was stopped by a homeowner from going too far. Do you think that Shrive beating the shooter first would have been better? Would it have been ok for Shrive to physically harm the man twice his age with his fists as long as he didn’t have a weapon?

    Put anyone with common sense and a grasp for the use of lethal force in this same situation and you will have the same result. A bigger caliber being used is more likely though based on Lewis County gun owners preference of weaponry.

  27. dont matter says:

    I seeing some problems with the whole self defense scenario. Travis Shive did have a rap sheet. This included out running a sheriffs deputy by the name of Almond in a car. He basically out ran the cop and got away. He was issued a warrant on some ‘i know it was you hunch.’ He fought it in court. This didnt sit well with a decorated deputy such as Almond. Who is known for his self serving discretion when it comes to handling incidents. There are many such known incidents involving this officer but I wont go into that. He was convicted because of this officers testimony of a phony ID from a street lamp light. This marred the reputation of the deputy as ‘letting one get away’ reguardless. Many people would like to see this man dead. Including law enforcement I think its safe to say. In his mind I believe he was justified in standing up for himself in all incidents including the night of the shooting. The guy that shot him is taking the all powerful ‘Mcknight Defence’ used in so many police shootings locally handled by the sheriffs dept. Innocents are dying and its justified. Why? Vendettas served by law enforcement. Its kind like onion you just keep peeling back the layers and every layer of curruption makes you want to cry.

    Go ahead count the paces from the shooter to the victim. It doesnt bring him back. The fact you shot someone for the loss of a dog shows a complete lack awareness and malice. If someone was yelling my yard about a dog i didnt shoot,… the last thing i would do is pull a gun out and open fire. It really sounds like another trigger happy idiot is living in the westerns along with the cowboy justice we have been getting lately on the streets of lewis county.
    Previous history with the shooter and victim is also unknown. Threats could have very well been made on the dogs life. Shive knew how currupt polce are and knew they wouldnt take his side on the issue of his dog. So he went ‘man to man’ and the little pussy had to grab a .380. Still murder. Dont try to paint a picture of him as a perpetrator. The shooter was twice. Two wrongs make it right. Thats a common theme with incidents involving Almond as well. Vote NO for ROB SNAZA.

  28. bethany says:

    The man wanted answers who shot his dog and he was pissed off i would be if someone shot my dog and i didnt have answers ppl come on both were in the wrong but he should of called 911 not shot him people are just plan out rude and not care well hope nothing bad hapens to the ppl bad mouthing this guy god for bid if somthing happend we all can bad mouth about you so shut up and quit bad mouthing about somthing you dont know about i may not know what happen still the guy is dead no need to keep up the stupid drama shit

  29. still waiting for justice says:

    I don’t know anyone involved, but I can tell you that if the same situation happened to me, I would of defended myself on my property with a weapon also. I might of called 911 first, but then would of confronted the issue on my property armed. How would I know someone on my property was not armed, and why would I take a chance of losing my own life to find out whether or not they were or not

  30. Two sides to every shiny coin... says:

    Actually the fool is the one who is now pushin’ daisies.

  31. Anti-Gov. says:

    I Lift calls the shooter the victim, I give no weight to his opinion. Two sides to every coin, another fool with a one track mind.

  32. I left says:

    Ridge, I am wondering where you went to law school and where you practice law. WPIC 16.02 states:

    It is a defense to a charge of murder that the homicide was justifiable as defined in this instruction. Homicide is justifiable when committed in the lawful defense of the slayer when:
    1) the slayer reasonably believed that the person slain intended to commit a felony or to inflict death or great personal injury;
    2) the slayer reasonably believed that there was imminent danger of such harm being accomplished; and
    3) the slayer employed such force and means as a reasonably prudent person would use under the same or similar conditions as they reasonably appeared to the slayer, taking into consideration all the facts and circumstances as they appeared to him, at the time of and prior to the incident.
    The State has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the homicide was not justifiable. If you find that the State has not proved the absence of this defense beyond a reasonable doubt, it will be your duty to return a verdict of not guilty.

    In other words, if he is charged, the prosecutor must prove it WAS NOT self defense.

    Also, WPIC 16.07: A person is entitled to act on appearances in defending himself, if that person believes in good faith and on reasonable grounds that he is in actual danger of great personal injury, although it afterwards might develop that the person was mistaken as to the extent of the danger. Actual danger is not necessary for a homicide to be justifiable.

    Finally, since he was on his own property WPIC 16.08: t is lawful for a person who is in a place where that person has a right to be and who has reasonable grounds for believing that he is being attacked to stand his ground and defend against such attack by the use of lawful force. The law does not impose a duty to retreat.

    You cannot compare this to the case of the homeowner in Onalaska. In this case the deceased was already acting threatening. The Onalaska shooter admitted he was waiting with a gun for the “victim” to come back and all the “victim” did in that case was shine a light at the shooter.

    How much do you want to bet the victim in this case, the shooter, knew of Mr. Shive’s long criminal history. Since others bring up a knife attack, maybe the victim knew of Mr. Shive’s potential for deadly violence. In self defense, the law takes a subjective view of what the defendant knew and his state of mind at the time of the homicide.

    BTW, homicide is not a charge. It is what happened. You may mean manslaughter.

  33. ron green says:

    Who ever said “act like a thug, die like a thug” is correct. It doesn’t matter how great an uncle or whatever you are, act stupid you pay. As far as the guys rap sheet, that’s public record and speaks volumes about a persons character. The real victim here is the poor bastard that is left living with knowing he was pushed into taking a life. Say what you want but this Travis guy went there looking for trouble, this time he met him match.

  34. Two sides to every shiny coin... says:

    You have every right to investigate any issue on your property. What you DO NOT have the right to do is trespass on someone’s property with the intent of committing a crime. (Assault)
    That is called criminal trespass.

  35. Ridge says:

    You can only use deadly force, when confronted with deadly force. If this man had been in fear of his life, he would not have left the safety of his house. Instead, he left the safety of house house. He armed himself to meet with an obviously angry person. He had to walk out his back door and come around from his back yard, giving himself plenty of time in which to think about what he was going to do. Then he engaged himself in an altercation with an man he knew was mad because his dog was shot. There are no legal elements of self defense here. Just as the law stated when the homeowner in Onalaska opened his garage door, he removed the element of self defense. This man left the safety of his home to confront a man who was unarmed. I believe that he will be charged with homicide at the very least.

  36. Two sides to every shiny coin... says:

    A GOOD MAN…??
    Sorry but his rap sheet proves otherwise.

    Ask the man he slashed in the face with a knife….

    Act like a thug, die like a thug.

  37. So sad!! says:

    Travis was such a good man.. A good friend.. A great uncle to the children of his close friends… What a blessing it was to know him.. Truley one of a kind! Such a beautiful person will be so greatly missed..

  38. Hurt says:

    Wowed, you are obviously a disgusting, heartless human being… Yuck!!

  39. Seriously says:

    For all of you talking bad about Travis, it makes me sick!! Calling him a lunatic…did you know him? He also didn’t get what he deserved!! He deserved to live his life with his family and friends, most of all his girlfriend! I seriously pray nothing bad ever happens to the people who talk negative about this horrible situation. I’m sure no one will stand beside you. I pray god forgives you for calling Travis names, he isn’t even here to defend himself.

  40. Free Air says:

    “if someone came at you with a gun what would you do?”

    Since you asked:


  41. Guilty Bystander says:

    “If you have nothing intelligent to say you should probably not voice such an ignorant opinion.”

    Thanks for the irony.

  42. Sluggdeath says:

    Hey look everybody its quite the nice day out isn’t it? Just letting you arm chair moral/legal philosophers know because obviously your spending way to much time indoors enveloped in your own gases. Get outside and get some fresh air, it will do ya some good! And just maybe you “deep thinkers” will gain enough clarity to stop talking out the side of your neck about people/events just to get a rise out of grieving friends and family. Your mama’s didn’t raise you right, or something. Have a little respect.

  43. Two sides to every shiny coin... says:

    Story was edited to say two shots yet both were frontal.
    Bottom line is this Shive character went looking for trouble and found it.
    He deserved what he got and I hope the man he attacked doesn’t get charged.

  44. Rachel Robidoux says:

    To those who think it is ok to speak I’ll of a dead man. You should really keep your opinions to yourself. The man who opens fire on another unarmed human being should spend his life in prison. If he felt so unsafe he should have stayed in his home and called 911. Travis Shive was a very kind and loving man to those who deserved respect got respect. if someone came at you with a gun what would you do? Beg for your life or fight till death like a man. If you have nothing intelligent to say you should probably not voice such an ignorant opinion.

  45. BobbyinLC says:

    Let’s all review our reading from today. One shot to the shoulder and one to the abdomen that traveled into the chest. 1 shots. None in the back.
    .380 round can travel that much in a body especially if the two are close to each other when the weapon is fired.

    Either way this is a sad case. One man dead and the other has killed someone. No winners at all.

  46. Love For L.C. says:

    He was shot twice not once bright one!

  47. Free Air says:

    “The velocity of a 380 would be a through and through shot. Something isn’t adding up.”

    Nope. You’re wrong about that. The 380 out of a short barrel will often just get past 800 feet per second with a 95 grain bullet. The 9mm Luger can get around 1200 feet per second with much heavier bullets ranging from 115 grain to 147 grain and around 1400 feet per second out of the 357sig.

    If the bullets were hollow point in configuration, there’s no way you would expect such a weak round to pass completely through a human body. If the round hit a bone, then even a full metal jacket would not have enough energy to pass through.

  48. dont just read listen says:

    It says two shots once in the abdomen and the other in his shoulder. I don’t feel this is correct either unless he was shot from a distance or through something else. A 380 isn’t going to bounce around in someone’s abdomen. The velocity of a 380 would be a through and through shot. Something isn’t adding up.

  49. wowed says:

    Two sides to every coin…
    I could not have said it better!
    Shot in the back??
    I am sure that it happened so fast that these people(friends of the deceased) want to believe that is what happened, that way they can blame someone other than Travis.
    Very sad!!
    My thoughts and prayers go out to Travis’ family,
    My thoughts and prayers go out to the man who felt that his and his family’s life were being endangered by this lunatic, may he someday feel safe again in his own neighborhood.

  50. Two sides to every shiny coin... says:

    There you have it folks.
    The combative aggressor was shot once and in the chest/abdomen.
    Let that serve as a lesson to all, do not try and be the macho guy and start fights, let alone on someone’s property.