News brief: Thurston County sheriff’s race; Bowling tonight for Snaza, concert planned for Mealy

It’s fundraising season for candidates and both individuals running for Thurston County sheriff have events coming up.

John Snaza, who is running as an Independent, is holding a bowling fundraiser tonight at 8 p.m. at Aztec Lanes at 2825 Martin Way E. in Olympia.

The cost is $25 per person – includes bowling shoes – and folks could register through his campaign website at

But, Snaza said this afternoon, people can just show up and participate.

Debbie Mealy, a Democrat, has scheduled a fundraiser concert featuring Chris Ward of The Chris Ward Band for Saturday June 26. It will be held at the Thurston County Posse Hall at 5949 Maytown Road S.W.

Tickets are $25 and are available at the door or through her campaign website,, by going to the “events” page and clicking on the PayPal link.

Doors open at 7 p.m. and light beverages and snacks will be available for purchase, as will raffle tickets for an autographed Chris Ward guitar, according to the campaign.

Both Snaza and Mealy currently work for the sheriff’s office. One of them will replace outgoing Sheriff Dan Kimball.

Kimball has not endorsed either candidate, because they do both work for him, he says. He may eventually, but if he does, it won’t be until after the primary. Kimball decided not to seek re-election after four years in office so he can spend more time caring for his mother.

In other Thurston County races of interest: the close of filing week on Friday left current Thurston County Coroner Gary Warnock (D) unopposed and Jon Tunheim (D) unopposed in his bid to replace outgoing Thurston County Prosecutor Ed Holm.

Other candidate upcoming events:
• Snaza: Wednesday June 23 from 4:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., a meet and greet at the Water Street Cafe.
• Snaza: Thursday July 15 at 4 p.m., meet and greet at the Capitol City Golf Course with hot dogs, chips and pop.

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