Breaking News: Car and trailer crash onto freeway barrier at Napavine


Tow trucks prepare to remove a car and trailer from the center barrier of Interstate 5 near exit 72 at about 11 o'clock this morning.

By Sharyn  L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

NAPAVINE – A car and trailer flipped over landing with one on each side of the center barrier of Interstate 5 at Napavine this morning.

The 10:35 a.m. accident left southbound traffic crawling nearly as far back as the Labree Road interchange almost an hour later.

The man and woman involved escaped serious injury and seemed to be okay, Napavine Police Officer Silas Elwood said after troopers arrived.

“They were pretty lucky,” Elwood said, adding the woman looked like she just had a scraped knee.

Troopers, members of Lewis County Fire District 5, personnel from the state Department of Transportation and tow trucks were one the scene.

More later.

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